TOKIO Inkarami 和頭部水療中心讓您的心靈和秀髮充滿活力

讓 5 步驟羽毛角蛋白護理修復頭髮損傷,讓疲憊的身心得到絕對的放鬆. 東京銀座 Apish 以精緻的款待歡迎您的光臨, 高品質的技能和精心挑選的治療方法.

サロン価格 17,600 日元
一茶匙米飯 15,400 日元
含稅. 日本不給小費


・Tokio Inkarami頭髮護理
·洗頭, 乾燥, 和造型



沙龍: 蜜蜂銀座

1 東京Metro地鐵銀座站B7出口步行1分鐘.

* 一旦預訂得到確認, 我們向您發送電子郵件沙龍方向圖和聯繫方式.


• 週一休息
• 星期二 10:00-19:00
•星期三 11:00-20:00
• 星期四 11:00-19:00
•星期五 11:00 -21:00
• 星期六, 週日和節假日 10:00 - 19:00

清晨附加費 2,200日圓(含稅)/小時
關門後延長 2,200日圓(含稅)/小時


• 英語
• 日本

接受付款方式: 現金, 銀聯, 簽證, 萬事達卡, 美國運通, 食客, 發現

• 免費的 Wi-Fi
• 我們有私人房間. 每個費用500日元 30 分鐘.


In the middle of Tokyo, 銀座, there is a salon called Apish Ginza, whose black and white-themed room brings about a stylish atmosphere. They have provided a head spa for 20 年. The stylists are eager to meet your needs and sincerely provide the relaxing experience. Well-trained stylists and high quality treatment wait for you.

Tokio Inkarami Hair Treatment with Head Bath

Tokio Inkarami treatment is composed of 5 different particles. The treatment is applied in order from small particles and the hair cuticle is repaired in order from the innermost. 另外,they proudly provide the treatment of Head Bath that not only makes your hair beautiful and healthy but also lets you relax both body and mind. It’s mandatory to participate in the seminar that is provided by the maker of the head bath and pass the course. 此外, there are several tests that are held in the salon to confirm the technique and service. Only those who clear the two high hurdles allow to touch customers’ heads and provide the head bath.

Attentive Consultation to Share Your Trouble

當天的型號, Tamaki, hopes to repair dryness and spread her bleached hair. 另外, both her mind and body are fatigued from her trip. After consultation, the stylist, Rina, recommends her with a scalp cleansing for dried scalp, 東京 5 steps treatment which repair her hair trouble, and head bath that promotes the effect of the treatment and relaxes. The stylist also shares the images of the style the customer wants to be in the end. This time, they decided to go with curly hair.

To communicate as smoothly as possible, they prepare an English document of detailed explanation about the treatment.

Private Room, Healing music and Aroma Guide You to Relaxing Experience

The eye mask promotes blood circulation and soothes eye strain.
The salon prepares the private room that is moderately dark with healing music, aroma, heating chair and hair steaming. 繼諮詢, the stylist, Rina, begins with cleansing the scalp to sooth her itchy scalp and also do the scalp massage. Hair steaming opens the pores and increases the efficiency of cleansing that gets rid of the PM2.5, exhaust gas and pollen that can’t be cleaned by daily shampoo. 此外, relieving the stiffness of the head and taking care of the scalp is essential to make your hair healthy.

Head Bath adjusts your autonomic nerves.
The bowl is put under the head and carbonated water falls down to your hairline. The stylist gets out of the room for five minutes to let you focus on the sound of the water and relax. Your whole head and neck are soaked in the carbonated water and that warms your body, improves blood circulation and increases metabolism. As a result, many customers fall asleep during the Head Spa. The flow of the water also cleans the dirt of the scalp and increases the penetration rate of Tokio treatment. It also repairs damage from the UV such as split hair and hair breakage.

Stylist Rina do the cuticle massage to penetrate the TOKIO treatment
After the Head Bath, TOKIO treatment is applied thoroughly. The treatment includes feather keratin that makes your hair healthy and silky. This treatment is effective for damaged hair, dried hair, frizzy hair and soft hair.

Style Your Revitalized Silky Hair

Stylist Rina provides a quick shoulder and head massage.
在此刻, Tamaki gets out of the private room and is guided to the main room to get massage and cold spray to the scalp. This spray tightens the pores that are opened by the head bath and is also effective to odor of the scalp. The stylist chooses and applies the oil according to the type of your hair and blows your hair.

Model,Tamaki cannot repress touching her smooth hair
Her scalp becomes brighter and her hair gets soft,shiny and silky. Each one of her hair gets moistened and the smoothness and goodness of setting are incredibly increased.Moreover, her face seems to gain color and her eyes become more clear. The effect would last for three weeks or a month.

Arranging the hair with curling iron.
繼諮詢, the stylist uses curling iron to approach the customer’s image.They prepare the gifts of shampoo that was originally made by the salon!

Who This Head Spa Package is Perfect For

後: Model Tamaki has a more feminine look with her shiny hair and soft wavy curls.
Are you considering this package? This head spa package, which can be completed in 1.5 小時, is recommended for those who have come to Tokyo to refresh themselves from daily stress. Reservations can be made by families, couples, or groups of friends. Why not start your perfect stay in Tokyo with Apish Ginza?


15,400 日元
含稅. 日本不給小費



日本招待, 國際奢侈品. 享受我們的城市的最好的美容院和頂級美容專家的精挑細選訪問.


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用富含礦物質的蘇打水清洗處理你的頭髮和享受之一的一類, 藝術髮型.

在東京使用 OLAPLEX 修復護理恢復乾燥和受損的頭髮


最好的日本頭髮拉直對於閃亮, 健康的頭髮在東京

改善你的頭髮健康和享受直, 免費毛躁的頭髮每天用燈泡的創新日本頭髮拉直系統.